How does that song go, “video killed the radio star?” We are living in a digital age, and even radio have gone the way of the dinosaurs. It is difficult to keep up with all the latest trends when it comes to marketing, but one that is firmly entrenched is the need to use video marketing.
Video marketing used to entail commercials for large corporations like Reebok and Coca-Cola. But in the digital age of shorter attention spans, it is a trend that no business owner can afford to ignore.
There are some interesting statistics to take note of when it comes to video marketing. For example, 81% of consumers say that they have bought a product because they watched a brand’s video. Sometimes customers use video to do research; a good example of this is Newegg, an electronics retailer that makes video reviews of its products so their customers know what exactly they’re buying and what they can expect from their purchase. It makes sense...people want to see how well a product works, how to use it, and what it looks like in real life.
Photographs are great, but they can be more easily staged or altered. Videos can also be staged, but we tend to put a little more trust in them.
Videos mean that we can skip reading the pros and cons of a product, and instead see exactly what the main selling points are without, doing a lot of work.
Still not convinced? Have a look at the infographic below for more about how important video marketing is.

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