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How to Create Clickable Cards for Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM) goes through "style" changes periodically, just like fashion. What's popular is usually determined by what has been proven to work. So when every brand that you follow on social media uses the same medium, there's a good chance that you should copy them.

The problem? Not all of us are very artistic, let alone good with media creation software. 

The good news is that you can easily take advantage of this traffic boosting method thanks to Anyimage.io. AnyImage is a free web-based card creator for social media posts.

Not quite sure what a social card is? Check out this example

Take a look at the infographic below to learn how easy it is to create your own social media cards.



Sarah Nelson

After years of studying literature, Sarah discovered her true love; marketing. She is a firm believer that educating small business owners about marketing empowers them to make smart business decisions. When she's not busy saving people from marketing faux pas, you can find her reading or slaying pixel demons in far off lands.

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