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Does Your Social Media Plan Need an Overhaul?

What is the most important part of your customer care program? Is it getting everyone to be friendly and nice to clients at work? Is it delivering fantastic customer service when face to face or on the phone? If you are like most businesses, the answer to this is, “obviously.”

But, is that the best you can do? What about customer service via social media channels? If you are like most businesses, your social media strategy is more about sales than customer service. This infographic from Website Builder makes it clear that this is a mistake.

Clients are increasingly relying on social media for a number of different interactions with companies. They might:

  • Reach out with queries: This could happen while they are making buying decision. Getting prompt responses to queries is likely to help them view your company more positively.
  • Try to learn more about your company: If someone is researching your company and product, she is going to look at your website, your current and past posts to get a more comprehensive picture of what your company represents.
  • Ask for assistance: They might need more information on how to use your product, or find out what the returns process is.
  • Compliment the company: This is social media gold.
  • Complain: This can also be turned into social media gold when handled correctly.

Social media is an increasingly vital element of client care campaigns. You cannot ignore it anymore.

social media customer care

Sarah Nelson

After years of studying literature, Sarah discovered her true love; marketing. She is a firm believer that educating small business owners about marketing empowers them to make smart business decisions. When she's not busy saving people from marketing faux pas, you can find her reading or slaying pixel demons in far off lands.

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