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How Google Search Works [Video]

Most people don't care how technology works, as long as it does what it's supposed to. But as business owners, knowing exactly what happens when there is a Google search can lend some important insight into Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Google released an updated video explaining how Google Search works in 5 minutes. It's impressive to see how many processes happen in that split second when you press 'enter' and a search engine results page (SERP) is returned.

When it comes down to it, Google is really just a library. Every time you add a new website, it's indexed by Google, and then when someone enters a search query, the Google bots act like librarians that find the best sites to answer their question. The idea is to ensure that your website is the one that best matches the searcher's intent.

Sarah Nelson

After years of studying literature, Sarah discovered her true love; marketing. She is a firm believer that educating small business owners about marketing empowers them to make smart business decisions. When she's not busy saving people from marketing faux pas, you can find her reading or slaying pixel demons in far off lands.

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